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IR-film (2003 – 2007)

Just Another Exercise

This was not a project about trees, heritage, infra-red or whatsoever. This was not subject oriented. It started for fun purpose only, as if I were a student shooting whatever attracting. I like being free; I like large format photography; I like infra-red film; I like to raise doubts; I like to be naive; and I like to refrain myself from seeking for a subject title and even an absolute answer. It’s just about I like but not I intend. Perhaps more, but it is surely a lesson, a self indulgent and self exploratory photography lesson. Only a hypocrite will tell it knows or understands itself. I don’t want to be a hypocrite. So, it’s all about curiosity.

All photos were taken within Hong Kong territory.

Technical information:

  • Film used: 4×5 Maco IR820c, Rollei IR.
  • Metering: Minolta flash meter VI starting at ISO value 4
  • Development: Tmax developer 1:4 ,7 mins at 24 C.
  • Camera used: Shenhao 4×5, Crown graflex, Hasselbald 500CM
  • Lenses:  90/f 8, 180/f5.6, 240/f5.6 (Schneider)
  • 65/f5.6, 135/f5.6 (Caltar),  380/f5.6 telelphoto (Wollensak)
  • filters: Tiffen IR87, Cokin IR 89B, Rodenstock centrefilter
  • scanner: Epson V700
  • wet scanning with: betterscanning film holder and Lumina scanning fluid
  • scan software: silverfast
  • further software: silverfasr HDR, ptgui and photoshop
  • photoshop plugin-in/ filter: topazlabs adjust and details
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